1. "The last Harry Potter" by Canon Gleeson
Speak up nº263

The text talks about the last book of Harry Potter, whose author is JK Rowling, the richest author in history. A lot of people have read the Harry Potter books, because that it's very important news that JK Rowling have written the last book, and a lot of people around the world is expecting to know the end.
In my opinion, it's normal that everybody is expecting for the seventh boock because harry Potter is the best series of fantastic books in history.

2. "Further afield: in Barcelona"

Costa Brava Resident nº42
This article talks about the European Athletics Championships in Barcelona 2010, the author cheer the readers to participe in this event as a volunteer. To convince us to participe, the author says that's a very important act for our country and for the city.

I think it's so good to help your city to organize an important act, because if it goes well, the city will have a good prestige tot the rest of the world.

3. "Gaining popularity north and south"

Catalonia today magazine. June 2009 nº319

In the text we can learn about the history of rugby in Catalonia, it's very important in North Catalonia (france). Where in 2000 was created a team called Catalans Dragons from two catalan teams, in 2007 they arrive at the European Championship Final in Wembley, the most important rugby stadium in England.

I believe that's a good idea to create a national rugby team of Catalonia, and that they can compete around Europe, because it means that everybody will know Catalonia and our complaints. I also believe that to introduce some sport in our culture is good because it makes diversity and more oportunities to do sport than the traditional (football, baseket,...)