Hi! I’m Steve, and tonight in England FM we will talk about the way of life now and before of the farmers, a profession that is dying out. And we will do that with Robert, one of the lasts farmers in our city…
S Hello Robert, how are you?
R Fine, thank you
S Ok, well, you are tonight with us because we want to know your way of life, and the way of life of your family, but before… how old are you?
R I’m 59, and I have two sons who are 28 and 26, both are farmers like me
S What about your wife?
R Oh, my wife died last year, it was an unlucky accident…
S What a shame… ok, what was your life like when you and your wife were young?
R Well, when we started to work as farmers, there were a lot of people in my town working in this profession, they were old people that tought us how we had to work.
S Interesting…
R we were the only young people working, our friends were studying at university and we had to work a lot to buy a house and start our new life.
S I know… you and your wife had to mature earlier, didn’t you?
R Yes, but we lived happily until our first son was born, I was 31 and my wife was 30. Since that day, we have to work hours and hours to guarantee a good life to our sons.
S And the increasing of important industries of nutririon is a very important problem, am I wrong?
R Of course, it has made our lifes more difficult, and it’s the reason because our sons don’t want to work as farmers, the old wants to be a teacher and the young wants to study medicine. If I were young, I wouldn’t spend my life in this town…
S We have 2 mintues more, before finishing interview, I want to know what is your life like without your wife.
R Without my wife, life is too hard, unless the help of my family I couldn’t live…
S Ok, thank your Robert!
Publicat per Guillem Sanz Daunis diumenge, 9 de maig del 2010 a 4:17
Etiquetes de comentaris: third term, writing.
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