This is England is a film that talks about the starting of skinhead movement, in 80’s. The main character is a young boy, who is 12 years old and whose father died in Malvinas war.
He’s fat and not popular, and he feels bad with himself because he has not friends, but this situation changes when he meet a group of boys that helps him and give him confidence. These people wear military boots, Harrington jackets, black hat and hair shaven; they look after him and integrate him in the group.
Their ideology is not racist, so one member of the group is black, but they have a friend who has been in prison and has a nationalist and fascist ideology and wants to enter in politics. Some of the members of the group follow him, including the youngest boy. During days they come to different political meetings, but it finished when their friend wants that he join with him to start a racist movement, some of them back down and it caused a big discussion that finished with some deaths.
I like a lot this film because reflects the starting of an extended movement and the different ideologies of skinheads.