Ska is a kind of music created in 60’s by Rude Boys in Jamaica, Rude Boys wear smoking and a blac had, they were black people who wants to had the apparence of the rich people. This kind of music is like soul and reggae, but had more ritm.
During the times, this kind of music have been changed having more ritm and a lot of variances, you can see the difference comparing bands of the statrting of this ritm, that are very similar than reggae and soul with the bands that have bornt recently, that have a lot of changes of ritm and parts of punk or rock.
In Catalonia, the pioners of this music were Skatalà, Dr. Calypso or Discípulos de Otilia, that play a music more quit but there are songs more speeds, ska has resurged in the lasts times, with bands like Skalariak (Basque Country), Salida Nula (Madrid) or Deskarats (Catalonia).
In ska concerts there are a lot of rude boys, or red skins, that have the aparience of skinheads but they are not nazis, they are antinazis, they think that they are the original skinheads, appeared in U.K . in 80’s. They can be comunist, anarchist, nationalist,.. but they have a common objective: fight against nazis.
In conclusion, ska is the music of rude boys, that have becamed skinheads, and the music have changed to be more ritmic and more political letters.
You can see one of the best songs of Dr. Calypso, there's only music, not lyrics. PLAN 10!
Publicat per Guillem Sanz Daunis dijous, 26 de novembre del 2009 a 13:52
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Publicat per Guillem Sanz Daunis a 10:41
Human rights are the rights you have simply because you are human, they are rights because they are things your are allowed to be, to do or to have.
Human rights were created by the United Nations during the Second World War, they were created to make a fair, pacefull and free society, it’s important to remember the situation when they were created, because during the Second World War the world was completely divided, and after this war, there appeared som organitzacions to garantize the peace and cooperation between countries, like UNO (united nations organization).
There are thirteen different human rights, that are completely respected in developed countries, but not in not developed countries. We have to be familiar with all of them, because it’s very important to respect them and we have to remember them because it’s a way to respect the others.
I have tried the 15th human right: RIGHT TO A NATIONALITY.
This human right it’s not respected in my country because there are a lot of people who don’t feel spanish, they think that their nation is Catalonia, or Basque Country, or Galicia,… and their opinions are not respected by the spanish law, that only allow the spanish nation. Recently, with the creation of the new rules of Catalonia, there was a very important rule that said: “Catalonia is a nation” But the spanish parlement didn’t allowed this article, it’s a evidence that this human right is not respect in my country. In the past this human right was not repected too, because during the history spanish people have wanted to impose their nationallity, but it’s not the only one country that doesn’t respect this right, because there are a lot of nations that are subjected by others.
How I have said before, Human Rights are very important because they are one way to respect the others, and they must be respected to make the humanity more free and equal.
Publicat per Guillem Sanz Daunis a 8:23
I saw the film Braveheart with David in english class. The film talks about a scottish men, whose wife was killed by english soldiers, since this moment, he wants to release the scottish country. He can herd a lot of scots who whit the same goal, and arrive to fight a difficult battle against the most strong country of the moment, England, and he can command their people to the win, but they wanted more and more and at the final he was deffeated by the english army. But William Wallace showed the way to deffense the freedoms.
This film, which was produced by Mel Gibson, it’s a film full of meaning, that show how a only one man can organize one country and how this country can fight against a stronger one. I think that the best part of the film is the battle that win the scottish people, the pride of the english soldiers, the tactics of scots… but in special the William Wallace’s speech, that can motivate a lot his soldiers and can convince the undecided scots, who wants to go to their houses and live all of their lifes under the english control. The principal idea of the speech is that this battle is the only one oportunity that this humble people has to get the freedom by a country (England) that submited the scotish people during centuries. This historical oportunity produce a special motivation that helps a lot in the moment of the battle.
I think that another important part of motivation is the face of William Wallace, whose idealized by the scots, painted like the tradicional people that lives in Scotland before they, the celtic people.
Now you can see the famous speech.
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Publicat per Guillem Sanz Daunis a 6:53
Next Sunday there will be played the best match you can see in spanish league, F.C. Barcelona vs Real Madrid C.F., they are the most historical teams in spain and they are in the group of the most important teams in Europe.
Last weekend, Real Madrid won against Racing and Barça couldn’t won against Athletic Bilbao, the third team in importance. It caused that R.Madrid will arrive to the match on Sunday in first position, with a different of one point with Barça, but the favourite team to win the match is Barça, because their players play better than R.Madrid’s. The last “derby” was won by Barça (2-6) in Real Madrid’s stadium, Santiago Bernabeu, it causes that the players who play for the capital team will be extra motivated for this match. It’s also important to remember that the match will be played in Barça’s Stadium, thing that can give more possibilities to win the match to Barça.
In conclusion, if you like football, you have to watch this match, with the best players of the history and with 100.000 people singing songs to help Barça to win the match. IT WILL BE AN AMAZING MATCH!
Now, you can see all the goals in last derby
Publicat per Guillem Sanz Daunis dimecres, 25 de novembre del 2009 a 5:22
Pau and me have done our oral presentation about Youtube fun, we talked about youtube history, the most watched videos in youtube and the problems that they make.
We talked to nervious and we read a lot, but I think that the time was good (9:50) and the content was interesting.
Body language and eye contact
I think that I wanted to talk looking at the audience but I dindn't remembered all the things and the presentation seemed insecure. I didn't make any body language because I was very nervous and insecure because it's possible that I didn't study so much, I only moved my hands and the paper.
At the starting, pau introducet a little bit the topic, and then, we explain our ideas, but I think we didn't organize our ideas in order. At the end of the exposition, pau make the conclusion of the project.
I think it was the best part of our presentation, because we talked about what are the things which make laugh people and also said that it's important to laughing with respect to the others.
We used not difficult grammar to make easier the comprension of the presentation, our vocabulary was simple but appeared some tecnicims necessarys to understand the topic. The connectors was not so good because we were a little bit insecures.
Pronunciation and intonation
Our pronunciation was too bad, because we were so nervious and it influenced a lot, the intonation also was influenced by the nerviousism that make my voice insecure. The language was not fluid. Because of that, in my opinion it's the bad part of our presentation.
Presentation 10% 6'5
Body language and eye contact 10% 6
Structure 10% 7'5
Content 40% 30
Language 20% 13
Pronunciation and intonation 10% 4
TOTAL 100% 67%
0 comentaris Etiquetes de comentaris: first term, oral presentation
Publicat per Guillem Sanz Daunis dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2009 a 10:32
This history started last March, when our teacher asked to all of my partners about what we have thought about the topic of our project, I couldn’t answer their question and when I arrived to my house, I was searching in intertnet for a good topic for my ‘TDR’, I find the different national symbols of Catalonia, when I saw that, I decided to present this topic, it was accepted by a teacher who I didn’t know, he wanted to talk about the project whit me, and I started to search information to do the project.
When summer arrived, I met with my personal teacher and he said me that it was very possible that he left the school, because of that, I couldn’t do anything during the summer, but I enjoyed so much this two months.
But It was different when the school returns, I had to work a lot because we have to do the project for 15th of December, but I didn’t have personal teacher who helps me to do the ‘tdr’. All of that changed when I sent a e-mail to Francesc Vernet saying that I need a teacher, the next day, he met me my new personal teacher, who is helping me now to do the project. Next three weeks I will be working all the day to finish the project at time… I hope I can do that….
You will recive more information about my research project see you!
2 comentaris Etiquetes de comentaris: first term, Your say
Publicat per Guillem Sanz Daunis a 7:01
0 comentaris Etiquetes de comentaris: extra podcast, first term
Publicat per Guillem Sanz Daunis dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2009 a 8:47
This season, I play for St. Peter football club because the team where I played the last 12 years didn’t have the minimum numbers of players.
I started the season in August and it was different than Esplais, it was more relaxed and not so demanding, we are a very good group of football players, the best of us is Bemba, who played last year with me in Esplais.
We started the league bad, we were 1-3 when only were 5 minutes to the final but the final result was 3-3, since last day we won all the matches that we have played, included the last against Cadaqués, when we were all the match shooting but the ball didn’t want to entry at the dep, and were the final where finishing, I could score the definitive goal, in this moment I felt so happy and all my partners were congratulating me.
Last weekend, wa played agains Base Roses, the first clasificated, all of us were very happy to can exceed them in the table, but we can’t because they won the match 1-3, we played so good but they were more efective than us. At the end of the match I was so angry, but life continue and I want to win the next match.
I hope that this year continue as the first months, because I am very happy to play this year in St. Peter.
In the photo:
Paco, 'Shin shan', Ramon Verés, Pau, Cesar, Guillem, Lamin, Bemba, Mankey, Lluís, 'Gins', Marc, Kevin, Mamadou seidu, Alex Vicente, Edu Valls, Noel Cordon, Aleix Font and David Marín
2 comentaris Etiquetes de comentaris: first term, Your say
Publicat per Guillem Sanz Daunis a 8:16
Last 23 of October, I went to the ska-p concert with Roger, Adrià, Andreu and Adrià’s cousin. We left to Badalona at 3 pm, we met in my grandfather’s house and he carry us to Figueres, when we catched the train to Barcelona. When we have arrived to Barcelona, we walked to the underground, but we are a little bit confused and it was difficult to find the undeground that go to Badalona. When we have catched the undergound, we had 1 hour to the ‘Pavelló Olímpic de Balaona’, where the concert will be celebrated, because that, we have been walking for 25 minutes and we can arrive at the hour.
The concert started with another group, called ‘Depiedra’, and at 9 pm started the good concert, ska-p was starting the concert! They have been playing their best songs for 2 hours, when the concert was finishing, I decided to go alone in front of the stage, there I met Andreu, we dance the last song and go out of the people because we were very tired, while we were walking I didn’t find my wallet, I have found it while I was dancing.
When it finishes, we phone my father because we were tired and when he arrived we can sleep all the journey.
Now, you can see one song that ska-p played in the concert, I hope you like it!
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Publicat per Guillem Sanz Daunis diumenge, 22 de novembre del 2009 a 9:02
Two balloons were floating across the desert and one say to the other:
- Look out for the cactussssssssssssssssss...
0 comentaris Etiquetes de comentaris: first term, joke
Publicat per Guillem Sanz Daunis a 8:29
In our time there are a lot of electronic things, like computers, mobile phones,... and I thing that it is great to use technology to make our lives easier, and it also helps to use less paper and other materials that are necesary to the nature.
First, In my opinion is a good idea to produce electronic books because the paper books spend a lot of paper from the trees, a very important part of our planet.
Second, usign electronic books we can save a alot of money, because every year, our parents have to pay a lot of money to our school books, and we can't lend them to the other students because the books are different every year.
In conclusion, I'm agree to use electronic books because we can protect our planet and save a lot of money every year. But it's important to remember that to be all the day in front of a screen is dangerous for the eyes of the students.
0 comentaris Etiquetes de comentaris: first term, opinion essay
Publicat per Guillem Sanz Daunis a 8:01
Costa Brava Resident nº42
0 comentaris Etiquetes de comentaris: first term, three news
Publicat per Guillem Sanz Daunis dimarts, 3 de novembre del 2009 a 1:32
The last year, I didn't have my own blog because it was shared with David Marín, and because that the last teacher that we had were very angry. This year, the teacher advises me that I had to make my own blog, and after of some problems, yes, I have my own blog, called
This is the first entry of this term, and it's important to remember that it will be the blog and the portfolio, so all my writtings will be there. I think that it's better than last year because we can try how to do our work.
Before to finish my first entry, I want to write about me:
My name is Guillem Sanz, I'm 17 and I live in Castelló d'Empúries, but I play football in St.Pere, it's because the football in Castelló d-Empúries have failed last summer, in St. Pere I wear the number 19 in my t-shirt, the day of my birthday.
I hope that this year will be the last in the high school, so I also hope that it will be the last blog and portfolio that I will do there.
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